The Project
Digital political campaigning: regulatory effectiveness through the eyes of citizens (DIGIEFFECT)
DIGIEFFECT is a Next Generation EU research project (1,4 million EUR 2023-2026) led by Dr. Gabriela Borz which investigates the risks associated with digital political campaigning in the European Union. Combining insights from European and corporate governance, public policy and political behaviour, DIGIEFFECT applies a risk governance approach to digital political campaigning regimes. Risk governance for digital political campaigning involves the awareness, prioritization, mediation and prevention of on-line risks as assessed at three levels: by the regulator, addressees of regulation and citizens. The primary goal is to assess the regulation of digital campaigning by focusing on citizens’ perceptions and evaluations. More specifically, the project investgates to what degree regulatory instruments adopted by the EU, national governments and by the on-line corporations contribute to reducing on-line (and off-line) mis/dis/malinformation during electoral campaigns.
The main research questions which inform the project are as follows: How do citizens perceive digital campaigning regulatory regimes?
Which regulatory measures are most effective in reducing on-line mis/dis/malinformation?
DIGIEFFECT has the following broad research objectives:
(1) describe citizens’ attitudes towards digital political campaigning across various on-line platforms and their perceptions of risk during digital political campaigning
(2) investigate the regulators’ and corporate risk governance in the context of digital political campaigning
(3) explain the variation in citizens’ on-line political literacy by identifying solutions which reduce on-line mis/dis/malinformation.

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Research Team

Dr. Gabriela Borz
Principal Investigator

Dr. Cristina Mitrea
Postdoctoral Researcher

Dr. Anna Longhini
Postdoctoral Researcher

Rémi Almodt
Doctoral Researcher

Thomas Montgomerie
Doctoral Researcher

Dr. George Jiglau
Total Volunteer
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"The theories largely focus on the development of agriculture, and the population and organizational pressure that followed and resulted in state formation. One of the most prominent theories of early and primary state formation is the hydraulic hypothesis and resulted in state"

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"The beliefs generally centre around the conversion of agricultural land, as well as the resulting population and organizational pressures, which eventually led to the formation of states. One of the most common explanations of is the hydraulic theory, which led to state formation."

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"The concepts essentially revolve around the expansion of agriculture, as well as the resulting population and organizational pressures, which eventually led to the formation of states. One of the most common explanations of early and primary state hydraulic theory, which led to state formation."

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"The ideas primarily focus on the growth of agriculture, as well as the population and organizational pressures that followed, ultimately leading to the foundation of states. The hydraulic theory, which resulted in state creation, is one of the most popular hypotheses of early and primary state development."

Our News


January 21, 2025
Disinformation Narratives in 2024 Georgian Parliamentary Elections
DIGIEFFECT blog #6, 20 January 2025 Disinformation Narratives in 2024 Georgian Parliamentary Elections by Elita Khmelidze


December 12, 2024
Digital campaigning: practice, perceptions and regulatory instruments
Dr Gabriela Borz 'Digital campaigning: practice, perceptions and regulatory instruments' guest lecture at Universita degli


August 30, 2024
Digital political campaigning: Platform compliance with EU law
Read more: Digital political campaigning: Platform compliance with EU law


August 23, 2024
ECPR General Conference 2024, University College Dublin, 12 – 15 August 2024
ECPR General Conference 2024, University College Dublin, 12 – 15 August 2024 Panel: How parties